

Changing the way the world works

Hiring Right is Key

Finding the best candidate with great skills, who fits the business culture, can challenge even the best hiring team.

We’ve watched recruiters, managers, and staff consume hour after hour resolving scheduling issues. Work grinds to a halt as individuals and panels conduct endless screening interviews. 

Then, most of the candidates are rejected. 

Hiring can be an exhaustive. It is critical to choose well to keep business moving forward. But, you want to avoid pain caused by missed objectives, management pulled away from key goals to intervene - or even costly failures when a team just doesn't work together. 

We'll alleviate your pain and save you hundreds of hours to focus on what matters most.

After many years working with teams from 2-200, we, your consultants at SoInterviewMe.Solutions, have a way to help.

We streamline the interview screening:  We schedule the interview. We conduct the interview. We record the interview.

So, you choose only the very best candidates for the next step.

Customer Support

We know that your business is running 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. So it's imperative you have help outside of the regular office hours. You can reach someone on our team for an emergency at any time of the day or night. Supporting you around the clock is our business.

Set your company apart and do more!

We schedule and meet candidates anytime

Yes, we do weekends and evenings.

You have peace of mind - interviews meet your criteria

Authorized, repeatable questions ensure consistency.

View the responses when its right for you

Secured viewing. Visits, comments, additional questions and selections are tracked and stored for reporting.


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One Stop for Interview Success